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Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians is as relevant for us today as it was for first-century Thessalonian believers to whom he wrote. Its three main themes—the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, intercessory prayer, and local church discipline—were addressed to a young church experiencing trouble, discrimination, and harassment because of their commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Here Ian...

by Christ’s blood, minds that are humbled by God’s Word, wills that are influenced by the Holy Spirit and faith that is born from the promises of God. To pray in faith, therefore, we need the Bible in our hands; and we need to read it, if we want to pray well. William Gurnall says, ‘We must ask what God has promised, or we choose ourselves and not beg; we subject God’s will to ours, and not ours to his; we forge bond and claim it as a debt, which is a horrible presumption. He that is his own promiser
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